29 Juni 2009

Bureaucracy slows down Project development of Photovoltaics in Italy, but according to GSE by end of 2009 Italy could reach 900 MW

In the first four month of 2009, an overall of 8.000 new plants (82,6 MW) were connected to the grid; which equals a media of 3,4 MW per week, contra 6,5 MW per week reached in 2008. Thus compared to the year 2008 PV project development has slown down a little. This trend maybe caused by several circumstances: a worldwide recession, financial crisis and last but not least by italian bureaucracy with its non-uniform and protracted authorization procedures.

Nevertheless by end of april 2009 a total of 39.753 PV plants were installed and operational. This equates to more than 500 MW, of which Lombardia reaching 49 MW by the end of 2008 and Puglia with 51,6 MW represent Italy's leading solar regions.

More importantly GSE expects market improvements and italian renewable markets to gain momentum. According to GSE Italy could break the 900 MW barrier by end of 2009. We will definitely contribute our part!

[Sources: http://www.energia24club.it; http://www.pienosole.it]

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